[v6 General Discussion] [Resloved, fixed EW 6.2.1] Access violation
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Build 6.2.1 was released an hour ago... should fix these errors! Please call Support if you're still having trouble.
The developers are aware of this and are in the process of getting it fixed.
I don't seem to be able to import plain text or rtf files into the editor without errors that require a Ctrl-Alt-Delete to terminate!
The update seems to have introduced some serious Access violation issues in Song and Presentation editors.
When you open the program it should tell you a new version is available and give you the option to download. You can go to www.easyworship.com/software and click download (PC) and install over the current build you have.
It was released last night; if you're not prompted to update don't worry EW6.2.1 should be released soon. Some basic issues in editor need fixing.
Forums Migration
EW6 1.9 is my version