[Tips & Tricks] Easworship 6 tutorial in bahasa Indonesia

Hi, i'm making easworship 6 tutorial in bahasa Indonesia,
here the videos:

1. the basic https://youtu.be/lvxSs-zmk6c
2. the suitable setup for our church https://youtu.be/c5EWbU60sZQ
3. the presentation https://youtu.be/jRx1Utod4JA

in video 2 you can see the easyworship screen is messed up after resize in live output, i need to restart the program to back normal
that's in windows 10. newest version of easyworship.

in video 3 you can see i press pause in live output but the video and music still go on, also "loop slides" and "always start from begining" i think not working well, still need fix.

also i have another computer with windows 8, ew6 always show error when starting program.
i will post this in bug subforum. i hope this can be fix in next version.