[v6 General Discussion] Error when downloading an update


I'm currently running EW version When trying to run the update through EW, I receive the following error after about 5-10 minutes from the time that downloading starts. Error: "error downloading update < 6 >"

I have attempted to download the update about 8 times, without success. When I check the Background Helper during the download, I notice that the progress bar moves very slowly, but eventually I get the error and the download stops. I've run into this problem with one prior update, but it resolved on it's own on the second or third attempt to run the update.

I will appreciate any help.

Thank you,

1 Comment

This could be an issue between our server and your isp. It could just be timing out or you're hitting the server when a lot of other people are hitting it and it's timing out. You may have better luck manually downloading the latest version of EW 6 from here:

and EW 7 from here: