[v6 General Discussion] Installing Yoruba Bible

Good day,

Please i have an urgent issue .... i was unable to create a topic that's why i chose to put it here..

I have Bible Translated to my Language (Yoruba) but am finding it difficult installing it to Easyworship,

How do i Proceed please its very urgent.

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This bible has already been requested on the Development Pipeline under Bible Requests. It is not available yet.

If you have access to the bible text, you can copy and paste it into EasyWorship to create slides for the schedule in the same way you would create songs. However, there is nothing integrated into the software.

The goal of EasyWorship is to provide software that meets the ever-changing needs of the church. We recognize that having access to your church’s preferred bible translation within the software is invaluable. Since the beginning, our goal has been to make requested bible translations available to our customers which are in the highest demand. The process of adding each bible requires our full focus and attention to ensure accuracy as a courtesy to each publisher which is why we have created a development cycle that allows for a push of multiple bibles at one time rather than sporadic integration.

In order to help us determine which bibles will be added to the next push, please ask your friends to vote on it. The more votes, the more likely it will make it into the next development cycle.

Guidelines on how to request a bible for EasyWorship:

Visit the EasyWorship Development Pipeline Forum

Select "Start a new topic".([color=#FF0000:f6e1f3ca] If the bible has already been requested duplicated requests will be deleted. )
Please include:

Name of bible translation & abbreviation
Publisher name and contact information if known

Thank you for partnering with us to make worship easy!