[v6 General Discussion] Powerpoint requirements

Please sort me out on Powerpoint. My development machine is Windows 10 with EW6 build I can run pptx slides with the viewer box unticked and no MS office installed. All works just fine on my I7 with GEforce 8600GTS. So do I need Powerpoint or not and ,if so, what version?
Dale Mabbott
Devon United Church
1 Comment


In order to display Powerpoint files there has to be either the viewer of the application installed. I am not sure how you are able to display them without something installed as EasyWorship hands off control to either the viewer or the app.

Open up Windows Control panel and see if you have one or the other installed.

EasyWorship 6 will work with newer versions of PowerPoint. It will not work with the older versions like 2007 or 2003.