[v6 General Discussion] How to - set up schedule with songs and hymn numbers

For one of our services we mainly use a hymnal and sing 3 hymns. We make a new song (document?) each service (save as), that has each hymn title and number for that service on a separate slide. We can insert scripture in this document, but if there is a song that we want to sing not from the hymnal and so we put the words on the screen, then we have that as a separate item in the schedule. Is there a better way to do this?

Here is what I want - some way to have hymn titles with numbers, scripture verses, songs that I have the words for. What is the easiest way to make a schedule that can include all these elements?

Thanks for suggestions!
1 Comment


I may not be understanding correctly but I think everything you need is in the Inspector when you edit or create a song in EW