[v6 General Discussion] PowerPoint Presentation Will Not Advance.

I created a PowerPoint presentation to be a countdown timer that advances to the next slide every minute so I can let a speaker know how long they have to go. I noticed that after I import it into Easy Worship that If I push the Black Out Button the slides do not advance on there own. I want to turn off the front projector so the people in the pew do not see the timer, but the speaker can see it on the back wall. I tried this experiment with a PowerPoint file made by someone else and got the same results. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Fred Keer
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If you are using the Foldback in EW6 then you can set up a service intervel under EDIT //OPTIONS//FOLBACK//ALERTS and CLOCKS//and check the ENABLE SERVICE INTERVAL and just add the time you want under the SERVICE INTERVALS.
You can put the day and the time here. It is in military time.