[v6 General Discussion] Impression of EasyWorship 6
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one is during new song (or annoucement) creation or edition. During 2009 trial, we were not obliged to put a tag (verse1, verse2,...). The text were copied from a bulletin (PDF) and pasted into schedule item. The way that version 6 deal with text is horrible, because of these tag fields. It would be desirable if a disable tags option during creation/edition were present or to apply 2009 behaviour. If it was disabled or 2009 behaviour was enabled, user would have to type "verse 1" to the software understand that is a tag; otherwise, you could just press enter to create a new slide or ctrl+enter to break a line inside the same slide. In our tests, this is the cherry of the cake.
[color=#FF0000:2zt420ro]You do not have to enter a label in the label file. You can just type the text into the song area it is not a required field [/color:2zt420ro]
The second one is regarding background. To insert a image in the slide is a good feature of 6 version. I also realised that version 6 works with a heritage of features for each schedule item (fonts, border, background,...). That is cool. But change the background of all slides is a hard task. To do that we need to create previously a theme. In 2009, we just selected an image or opened a dialog box to explore and choose a new image. Afterwards, all slides of a same schedule item have the same background. It's more flexible and I think that is another weak point of the new version.
Please, we really like to have this software. If you say that features are impossible to be developed in this new version, we ask again how can we buy the 2009 version.
[color=#FF0000:2zt420ro]To change the background of all slides in a song you can just drag and drop the image onto the song it will change all the slides to the new image. Or if you edit the song you can click on Inspector//background and then select the type of file you want to use such as Color Fill//Gradient Fill or Media Fill [/color:2zt420ro]
Forums Migration
We tried to find how to buy version 2009 and we were informed that this version is deprecated and the support adviced to test the newest version.
To be honest, I realised that version 6 has a better GUI, but unfortunately some features are worst when compared to 2009.
We'd like to inform 2 main issues in this version that has disappointed us: one is during new song (or annoucement) creation or edition. During 2009 trial, we were not obliged to put a tag (verse1, verse2,...). The text were copied from a bulletin (PDF) and pasted into schedule item. The way that version 6 deal with text is horrible, because of these tag fields. It would be desirable if a disable tags option during creation/edition were present or to apply 2009 behaviour. If it was disabled or 2009 behaviour was enabled, user would have to type "verse 1" to the software understand that is a tag; otherwise, you could just press enter to create a new slide or ctrl+enter to break a line inside the same slide. In our tests, this is the cherry of the cake.
The second one is regarding background. To insert a image in the slide is a good feature of 6 version. I also realised that version 6 works with a heritage of features for each schedule item (fonts, border, background,...). That is cool. But change the background of all slides is a hard task. To do that we need to create previously a theme. In 2009, we just selected an image or opened a dialog box to explore and choose a new image. Afterwards, all slides of a same schedule item have the same background. It's more flexible and I think that is another weak point of the new version.
Please, we really like to have this software. If you say that features are impossible to be developed in this new version, we ask again how can we buy the 2009 version.