[v6 General Discussion] Trouble moving songs from 2009 to 6


We've moved to a windows 10 machine. I have both EW 2009 (with song patch) and EW 6 installed on the new machine. Both are the most recent version as of Thursday Sept 8.

In EW 2009 I see all my songs and can open older sunday services (created earlier this year).

In EW 6 I went through the import database process (followed to the letter about 10 times followed by a dozen iterations trying other ideas). The images and videos imported just fine but there are no songs. I tried using the Data folder as is and then when that was not working I tried removing the Data folder and renaming one of the backup data folders from 2009 to Data.

The weird thing is that I can open the same older sunday services created in EW 2009 and they look fine. Songs are importing just fine for a single service. I'm tempted to try importing every service from the last two years and recreating the song database that way.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?



Does it start to convert the data but then does it just stop and bring up the Profile manager?

If is does then you will need to install the 3.3 build and have it convert the data and then after that install the most current build of EW 6.

3.3 build link https://easyworship.com/downloads/ew_builds/current/EasyWorship6Previous.exe:17ffrp7t]Click Here

5.5 build link https://support.easyworship.com/support/solutions/articles/6000149965-easyworship-6-5-5-pre-release:17ffrp7t]Click Here
Same problem here with 6.5.5 release downloaded fresh yesterday. I can confirm this workaround works. Not sure what changed between releases to break the import, but would be nice to not need the intermediate step.

The 6.3.3 download link is incorrect as of this date, though. Should be https://easyworship.com/downloads/ew_builds/current/EasyWorship-6.3.3.zip:1jbfzldk]this link now.

On a side note, I'm giving EW6 another shot after bailing on it immediately after release and going back to EW2009. The later EW6 releases appear to be much more easy to use than the early builds.
Like many others, I too took a long time to make the change to EW 6. I have now been using it for abut 10 months and also like others, still get frustrated with features that were in EW 2009 not being there.
One thing though, my database did convert OK (Now just installed 6.5.5 after being a little apprehensive) - or so I thought until this current weekend when we were asked for a song we have had in our system for many years but have not used for quite a while.
I searched and searched in every way I could think of and even printed out the list of songs in the EW 6 database. That song was not there. I shut down EW 6 and opened EW 2009. Bingo, there was that song.
Of course I had to cut and pasted it into EW 6 but now, I am faced with printing our song list from both versions and manually going through to compare and determine if any other songs have not been picked up in the conversion.

I am not finding EW 6.5.5 as smooth as previous versions. Seems to be clunky and does a lot of thinking! but after a lot of testing (and almost deciding to wind back the clock) before the weekend programs, it did work OK in church this weekend.
Hi Alvin,
Have you tried opening the song list report and looking at the total count on the last page in 2009? EW 6 will give you the count at the bottom of the song list. The compare the number of songs in each. I'm not sure i've seen songs lost from 2009 to 6, but it's possible, especially if that specific song had an issue of some kind that prevented it from being converted via the automated conversion process.
I have not yet had the chance to try any comparing.
The problem with your suggestion is that when we changed from 2009 to EW 6 and converted the initial database, that song, and maybe other disappeared. It is a song we have not used for a while so I had no idea it was missing. Since using EW 6 we had added several new songs which are not in the old EW 2009 database so the song count would not be an indicator
Of course since that initial upgrade, I have upgraded again now to 6.5.5 which has again converted the database and I don't have the earlier EW 6 DB to compare with anymore.
Seeing there has been two DB conversions, at what point did that song go missing?

I did get the song from the old 2009 DB and cut and pasted into EW 6.5.5, but what other songs - if any are missing? That song worked fine in EW 2009.