[v6 General Discussion] Copying Database to another PC - 2
1 Comment
Hi Quinton,
This is not something we can officially support since it's technically writing DOS commands to copy files, however, I do have a little experience with this, so I think I can point you in the right direction.
First, I recommend using the xcopy command instead of copy.
It seems to be more powerful than the plain copy function.
You might use %PUBLICDOCUMENTS% to shorten the path to make it easier to manage.
It would look like this xcopy "%publicdocuments%/softouch/easyworship/default/*.*" usb drive letter:�ackup folder
Also check out the xcopy commands at the following url. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/lib ... 91035.aspx
I hope this helps.
This is not something we can officially support since it's technically writing DOS commands to copy files, however, I do have a little experience with this, so I think I can point you in the right direction.
First, I recommend using the xcopy command instead of copy.
It seems to be more powerful than the plain copy function.
You might use %PUBLICDOCUMENTS% to shorten the path to make it easier to manage.
It would look like this xcopy "%publicdocuments%/softouch/easyworship/default/*.*" usb drive letter:�ackup folder
Also check out the xcopy commands at the following url. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/lib ... 91035.aspx
I hope this helps.
Forums Migration
copy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\EasyWorship\Default\Databases\Data\*.*" EasyWorship
copy EasyWorship\*.* "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\EasyWorship\Default\Databases\Data\"
This allowed the individuals involved to keep their home copies of the EW database up-to-date sufficiently, as well as making it easy for a new member of the team to implement an up-to-date copy of the database for a new install of the software.
I have struggled to update these scripts for EW6, without success - as a fallback process, I have manually copied the v6.1 folder across to the USB drive - rather than using a .bat file for wider use.
I thought this would work, but it doesn't; giving a 'file not found' error:
copy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\EasyWorship\Default\v6.1\" EasyWorship
Please can you provide guidance of what the command should be.