[v6 General Discussion] Secondary Monitor Output

I have downloaded and installed Easy Worship 6 on a secondary pc (Youth PC) at our Church, Violet Baptist. My issue is that when I choose to the secondary monitor as an output it cuts off part of the live screen. I believe I have found a work around for now but never had this issue with the Easy Worship 2009.

* Workaround * - Make sure "Output Resolution" for both 1st and 2nd monitor are identical

It seems like the software is looking at the 1st monitor resolution and then makes the assumption that the 2nd monitor is the same resolution. Is this a known issue?

It doesn't assume both screens are the same resolution, however windows could be throwing off the calculation of the size of the screen if you have a DPI setting higher than 100%.
Try right clicking on the EasyWorship icon.
Click on properties.
Click on compatibility.
Click change settings for all users.
Click the option to disable display scaling for high dpi settings.
Click ok on all the property windows.
Open EasyWorship and see how it behaves.
That seemed to work. Only issue I see is that out of the 3 times I opened it up to test with that new setting I got a "Compatibility Error" about the program not working properly. I clicked "Yes it was working properly" so hopefully I won't see it again.