[v6 General Discussion] Demo'ing - How do I do these basic functions

Hey guys -

We're having continued issues with our current worship presentation software so we're demo'ing alternatives. EasyWorship is up this week. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the package so far. However, there is some very common, basic functionality that I just can't figure out. I've been through the training videos and either missed it or it wasn't there. I guess it's possible that this stuff isn't there, but I'd be surprised. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

1. Copy and paste? It is pretty common for the slides in a particular service element to be very similar to the rest. Usually I make one slide look and work like I want it to and then just copy the element and tweak the text on it. I can't find that anywhere. Mainly this would be in the presentation editor but I couldn't make it work in the schedule editor either...
2. Undo. In the schedule editor, there is an undo button, but it was never active. I couldn't find reference to it at all in the song, scripture, or presentation editor. There were a number of times I tried to undo when I "oopsed" whiile preparing this Sunday's service.
3. Advance/backward while running the service. Every package I've ever used had a single key way to move forward and one to move backward through a complete service. This is a necessity since the person cueing the service elements is not necessarily the person who created it. From what I can tell, I press PgDn to advance the schedule but couldn't find a backward key. Then, it looks like I need to use the up/down arrows to advance through an element (song/scripture/etc) that has multiple pages? That is not only confusing, but will lead to a mistake each and every week. Is there a separate set of keys for running the presentation?
4. When in the presentation/song/scripture editor, I wanted to add some media that I hadn't previously added to the media library. So, when I click the media button what I want to add isn't there. Is there a way to bring in media to use without needing to go out of the editor, then go to media and add it, then go back to the editor and then add it?
5. Is there a scripting or other way to cue slides at a certain point and time? For example, a few minutes before the service we want to automatically cue the countdown video. It is quite common that we don't have an operator sitting there waiting to switch from the announcement loop to the countdown. We want that to start at a certain point in time.
6. Is there a way to loop a certain group of schedule elements? Or is the only way to do this to do it as a presentation and then set that to loop once it's added to the schedule?
1 Comment

I am sorry about the late response.

1 Copy and paste? It is pretty common for the slides in a particular service element to be very similar to the rest. Usually I make one slide look and work like I want it to and then just copy the element and tweak the text on it. I can't find that anywhere. Mainly this would be in the presentation editor but I couldn't make it work in the schedule editor either...

[color=#FF0000:2jb6n4xh]You can copy the text but not elements. You would have to set up a theme and then you could add and remove elements. [/color:2jb6n4xh]

2. Undo. In the schedule editor, there is an undo button, but it was never active. I couldn't find reference to it at all in the song, scripture, or presentation editor. There were a number of times I tried to undo when I "oopsed" whiile preparing this Sunday's service.

[color=#FF0000:2jb6n4xh]The Undo feature will be added in a future update.[/color:2jb6n4xh]

3. Advance/backward while running the service. Every package I've ever used had a single key way to move forward and one to move backward through a complete service. This is a necessity since the person cueing the service elements is not necessarily the person who created it. From what I can tell, I press PgDn to advance the schedule but couldn't find a backward key. Then, it looks like I need to use the up/down arrows to advance through an element (song/scripture/etc) that has multiple pages? That is not only confusing, but will lead to a mistake each and every week. Is there a separate set of keys for running the presentation?

[color=#FF0000:2jb6n4xh]If you have multiple items in the schedule you highlight the first one and can either press Go Live or Page Down to send it to the live screen. Then you can use either the Arrow Down key, the space bar or the Arrows on the live output screen to go though each slide in the selected item. If you need to go back to a previous item in the schedule you can use the Left Arrow key and then press Go Live or the Page Down to go live with the previously selected item. There is not one key that will control the whole schedule and all of the items in it.

4. When in the presentation/song/scripture editor, I wanted to add some media that I hadn't previously added to the media library. So, when I click the media button what I want to add isn't there. Is there a way to bring in media to use without needing to go out of the editor, then go to media and add it, then go back to the editor and then add it?

[color=#FF0000:2jb6n4xh]You will need to add the media before you edit the song, scripture or presentation.

5. Is there a scripting or other way to cue slides at a certain point and time? For example, a few minutes before the service we want to automatically cue the countdown video. It is quite common that we don't have an operator sitting there waiting to switch from the announcement loop to the countdown. We want that to start at a certain point in time.

[color=#FF0000:2jb6n4xh]There is not a way to do this right now.[/color:2jb6n4xh]

6. Is there a way to loop a certain group of schedule elements? Or is the only way to do this to do it as a presentation and then set that to loop once it's added to the schedule?

[color=#FF0000:2jb6n4xh]You can loop a song or a presentation or a scriptures that you have added to the schedule by right clicking and then edit and click Inspector and Slide and change the Advance Slide to Automatically or Delayed, but you cannot make a whole schedule loop unless it is just one presentation that is set to loop.[/color:2jb6n4xh]