[v6 General Discussion] Laptop with Integrated & Dedicated Graphics Card


Based on the system requirements, I have just bought a new laptop specifically one with nvidia GT740M GPU. The laptop has also got an integrated intel HD graphics 4400.
The display setting is on "extended desktop" for multi monitors.

When I choose to use the integrated intel HD graphics, I can get the output on external monitor.

When I set Easyworship 6 to use nvidia GPU through nvidia control panel, I am unable to get it to output on the external monitor or anywhere. Any idea ?

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If you are using Windows 8.1 then right click on the desktop when you have it connected to the projector. Write down the resolution of the primary and secondary output. Example : Primary 1366 x 766 and secondary 1920 x1080.

Open EW 6 and the click on Edit//LIVE//Change the Output Monitor to Custom Position.

Using our example you would make the[color=#FF0000:1pvo3p81] left position[/color:1pvo3p81] 1366 which is the left most position of your primary screen. [color=#FF0000:1pvo3p81]Top [/color:1pvo3p81]is usually always 0 [color=#FF0000:1pvo3p81]Width[/color:1pvo3p81] will be 1920 and [color=#FF0000:1pvo3p81]height[/color:1pvo3p81] will be 1080.

You may need to change the numbers slightly up or down and experiment until it shows up correctly.