[v6 General Discussion] Is EW ready for Windows 10?

Should we immediately upgrade to Windows 10? Or wait for everyone else to work out the bugs? I am always a little apprehensive to early adopt a massive new release or OS upgrade.

Is EW tested and ready?

I personally will update to Windows 10 immediately, but I don't recommend updating to the latest OS immediately.
Will EasyWorship 6 work on Windows 10? Yep, is sure will. Should you upgrade to Windows 10 immediately? Probably not, but it's totally up to you and how much time you have to mess with a computer that might have to be rolled back.

Right now EasyWorship 6 is running on Windows 10.
Hello, just wondering when EasyWorship 6 will be officially supported on windows 10? Currently in the system requirements section, only Windows 7 and 8 are listed.

I have EasyWorship 6 installed on three Windows 10 machines with no significant issues. As far as updating to 10, I would just be sure to update within a year while it is still free.
The answer to this depends strictly upon your personal system setup and the hardware you are using.

We are running a fairly decent computer (i7 Pentium processor, 8G RAM, 1TB storage) with dual outputs on a default video graphics card and the third video output created via a USB to VGA external video card (so we can have three monitors... the control monitor, the display monitor, and the foldback monitor). Our system was running just fine with Windows7 and Easy Worship 6. We decided to upgrade to Windows 10 last weekend. Upon completion of the upgrade, our third monitor (via the USB port) was rendered inoperable. Windows 10 did not recognize the external video card (a See2Xtreme UV-200) so our foldback screen output was no longer available. After 3 hours on a remote support with Microsoft Tech Support, we still could not get the video out to the third monitor. We decided to revert back to Windows 7. With that move, now Easy Worship 6 has been rendered inoperable!! (Granted, Microsoft warned us that some programs may need to be re-installed upon going back) We tried uninstalling and re-installing Easy Worship6, but it still is not working. We are currentlly attempting to restore our system to a restore point generated two weeks ago.

Lesson learned:
You need to make sure all of your hardware connected to your computer has available drivers for Windows 10 (Even according to our local BestBuy staff: At the moment, very few manufacturers have made these available!!) If you don't have any "special" setups on your main computer, you might be fine. If you do, like us, you may be better off just waiting for a few months.
Please note that USB video adapters have always been on our Unsupported list.
whether they were unsupported or not, the program worked great prior to our upgrading to Win10. We have, fortunately, been able to resolve this problem by installing a new video graphics card with drivers for Win10. Working again...
I personally will update to Windows 10 immediately, but I don't recommend updating to the latest OS immediately.
Will EasyWorship 6 work on Windows 10? Yep, is sure will. Should you upgrade to Windows 10 immediately? Probably not, but it's totally up to you and how much time you have to mess with a computer that might have to be rolled back.

This sounds like good advice to me. From memory you can wait for a year before needing to upgrade (for free) so it's probably best to wait till early next year to upgrade. At least that's probably what our church will be doing. The latest version of EW seems to be the most stable yet and I wouldn't want to risk that for the sake of updating a few months earlier. YMMV.