[v6 General Discussion] Updating Powerpoint realtime

I am missing 3 features in EW6 that were in 2009:

* When I would see an error in a PowerPoint presentation, I could easily fix it during a live presentation. All I had to so is make the correction in PowerPoint, click save, then go to the show in the schedule and click it. It would update (refresh) immediately. Is that a feature in EW6?

* During a live PowerPoint with animations, I could either click or arrow down to display the next attribute in the PowerPoint. In EW6, I have to click the next slide then arrow down on my keyboard to move the show to the next animation. Can either a click or arrow down have the same function?

* Today, I loaded a video in the media tab. Then I clicked the video and dragged it to the schedule. The thumbnail displays a random slide from a message we used over a week ago. When I click "go live", the video plays correctly. If I click "add item", then "browse for media file", The video loads into the schedule with the correct thumbnail. So it is only doing this when I click and drag from media library. How can I change the thumbnail in the schedule to match the video?


On the first question: This feature is still being worked on.
One the second question: I have already added this to the feature list.
On the Third question: I have not seen this. You should call us and we can take a look at it.
This is what it looks like. Notice the blue thumbnail over several of the items in the schedule. Also notice that in the live view in the middle, the blue thumbnail is present but the title to the video is called "American Flag".

One of the other techs thinks that the thumbnails database could be corrupt. You can try renaming the thumbnails folder under c:\users\public\public documents\softouch\easyworship\default\v.61\datacache\ This might fix it. It may not fix it in the schedule file so you will want to try adding it back into the schedule after you do this..
Sorry but that didn't fix it. Now all of my thumbnails say "Jump"
This was the title of the PowerPoint slide show. EW 6 reads the title that is in PowerPoint not the file name. So you have to change the title of the PowerPoint to either Slide1 or PowerPoint Presentation.