[v6 General Discussion] Foldback (Stage Display) Feature Request - see next slide

We've been really excited to start using the foldback (stage display) feature, and bought the hardware to make this happen.

Feature request:
Please add the ability to configure how much of the next slide we see on the foldback screen. Using the latest version available of EW6, it seems we can only see the first line of the next slide. We'd like to be able to see all the lyrics of the next slide, if possible. A side-by-side slide view would be great, for example. Left side would be the current slide, and on the right side, perhaps configurably smaller, would be the next slide.

In our scenario, we don't care about the background of the next slide, nor do we particularly care about the fonts, we just need to see more upcoming lines in case our lyric switcher is slow, and we're left looking like goldfish on stage.
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I have submitted the request to the development team for consideration. Thanks for the input!