Remote App doesn't advance the schedule correctly on the computer
1 Comment
This is an issue with both MIDI control and the remote app. However, as a workaround, you can change to the Preview and Live Combined view and it does follow the schedule in that view.
Daniel Carlson
From time to time our operators like to use the tablet for EW vs. the computer, and sometimes go between app and computer (if they're doing other things). While the app is running a schedule as it's supposed to, I noticed that when I go to a new schedule item in the app, the pc remains on the last selected schedule item and doesn't sync up with the app in this regard. This is frustrating when an operator is going between pc and app. He has to remember to go to the schedule on the pc, scroll through the schedule items, and find his place before clicking go live.
Could you please fix the app so that, when the schedule is advanced in the app, the highlighted item corresponds on the pc as well?
If you're not sure what I mean, I can try to explain differently.