"Go Live" behaving badly!


I am running EW V7, build in church.  The option, “Advance Schedule after Go Live is pressed” is selected.  The view is set up for Preview and Live.  I upload a schedule.  When I click on “Go Live”, the preview item becomes live and the next item in the schedule moves into the Preview view. 

Recently this has developed a problem.  Sometimes, instead of the current preview item going live, this jumps to a couple of items down the schedule and makes this go live.  This is particularly embarrassing if that item is a video with sound!  I have tried changing the mouse speed with no effect.


(Temporary Solution)

I have a temporary fix – click on the top slide of the item in the preview view. This will go live correctly when go live is selected.

I would like a permanent solution – particularly when one of the other operators is running EW.

Has anyone else experienced this?

1 Comment

I remember a few years ago that someone was having similar issues, but it turned out to be a bad mouse. Have you tried a different mouse just to be able to eliminate that as a possible suspect?

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