Additional Display Copyright Information Options
Is there anything more to report on this subject?
We want to test with lower thirds, but not with the copyright texts on every slide.
Willem Kraaij - Ichtus Zaandam
We use the first slide option for displaying the copyright information. However, we have found that if you display subsequent slides and then return to the first slide, the copyright information is no longer displayed. If you remove the song from the schedule and bring it back in, the information reappears only to disappear again as before. We go through the schedule for our worship team practice and preparation for our services. This condition gives us an end result of no copyright information being displayed in our services. Is the one-slide feature acting properly? And, is it absolutely necessary that the copyright information be displayed?
Fred Callicoat
Is there a way to have the copyright / CCLI information only display on 1 song slide vs all of them? We would like to have it only display on the 1st slide (our Title' slide. I saw FAQ discussion on this back in 2009 but couldn't find anything sooner. Nor could I find a resolution to what we're requesting. A drop down option at the 'Display Copyright Information' of which slide (first, last, all) to have it displayed on would be nice.....
In EW7, we now have the ability to add this information only to the first slide.
What about an option for the last slide as well?
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