Timeline of video playing

Hi from Ireland!

Apologies if I am going over old ground, here but did there not use to be a timeline of the video playing out on live outpu?

I play 2-3 videos each service and very often have no idea when they stop and therefore the video loops.

Is there anyway to get this timeline back or to at least stop the video looping?

Thanks in advance.


1 Comment

If you play a video as a foreground, it will give you the player controls and show you the time remaining. If you have the video set as a background to a slide or if the media usage is set to 'background', which sounds like what you're doing, then it will not have the player controls and will loop automatically.

If you're just going live to a video from the media tab, right click the media and go to Media Usage and make sure it's set to Automatic, then go live to the video again and see if that works.

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