OBS - HDMI or NDI input?
I do agree that NDI is probably easier to setup. But I'll do the setup myself, so that's not a problem with either technology.
However envision this scenario:
We're back for our usual service. A volunteer is the technician, not me.
The youth department neede to move around some cables last time they used the system, and in the process they decided to outright borrow the presentation computer for use in another room. Being the dependable, nice young people they are, they just placed it on the top of the table, with a post-it saying "Sorry about the mess. We'll fix it one of these days."
The volunteer has a working knowledge of computer cabling, and I've tried to mark every cable and port with numbers.
Is NDI or HDMI more likely to work again without problems? Or is it about the same?
(No, i didn't make this situation up. :-))
If you're going with easier, NDI would be so much easier. You just send the NDI out from EasyWorship and capture the NDI in OBS. If you use HDMI, you're going to have to use chroma key or 2 video outputs for Key and Fill. With NDI, there's no video output needed since it runs through the network.
Morten Worm Due
We're considering taking up streaming again. Probably using OBS. We target Youtube and would like to enable Alpha Channel.
As I see it, we have two options: NDI or HDMI. Both should work for our purposes.
I'm not worried about getting it running, but maintenance is another matter: We have many volunteers and many users of the house. They really try, sometimes too hard. And I can't always be on duty. And we can’t really lock the system down.
I'm most inclined to go with HDMI, my gut feeling tells me that it not so easy to mess up when the volunteer is fooling around in settings in OBS or Easyworship. We're aware that NDI is cheaper, but that's probably not relevant for us.
Do you have any input on the matter?