Foldback to Also be Disabled When Main Output is not on "Live"

How would you like the feature to work? 

Foldback to be also disabled when the Main Output is not on "Live" status.

Why is this feature important to you?

We, most of the times, have something behind the Main and Alternate Output needed to be shown to the congregation like sample documents in PDF or Word format. We need to turn off "Live" for this for behind items to be seen then multi-task like make changes on our EasyWorship Schedule, sudden change on the presentation we have on EasyWorship, etc. while the documents are being shown. Since Foldback is not associated with the Live button, it overlaps with the behind documents whenever we need to make any update on EasyWorship. It's important for our Pastor standing in the pulpit to also see the documents and any other files needed to be shown behind the EasyWorship foldback output.

1 Comment

Foldback is associated with the Live button. If you turn the Live button off, all outputs turn off.

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