[v7 General Discussion] Air Server
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Is there any way of using an NDI feed? It seems like it should be possible but maybe NDI only picks up the iPad camera feed and not the screen. Or maybe this https://www.newtek.com/connect/connect-pro
After watching some videos about Airserver it looks like it only mirrors your primary output in Windows. If that is the case then it will not work. This means that you would only see the control screen and not the extended screen.
Yeah I tried it and could not figure it out. I was hoping I was missing something but I guess not.
It goes something like this.
Apple TV is for Apple devices.
Mirracast is for Android Devices
Ezcast is for all devices.
Or vice versa, can't remember which way around they are
First you need an Ezicast Dongle plugged into your EW PC and the software installed. You might also need an HDMI capture card installed as these dongles usually plug into an HDMI port on a TV. These dongles are quite cheap on eBay. Check to see which one of the many on offer suits your needs. You can use a HDMI capture card - Blackmagic intensity Pro 4k or a cheaper USB3 capture device - some which are driverless. I have successfully captured video into EW using a variety of capture devices- all at various prices.
You also need the device - phone , tablet or laptop - to have the Ezcast software installed from the App store.
You can then pick up an iPhone, Android phone, iPad or other devices - including laptops as long as they all have the Ezcast software installed, via the EW feeds. They usually only have a short transmission distance - maybe about 5 meters but some dongles can be programmed to use the local wifi network which will increase that distance greatly.
I have it set up at my church but have only needed to use it once - a fair while ago - for an Android phone, but it does work.
These days, I use NDI for capturing a laptop into EW 7. I run the VMix desktop capture utility (free) on the laptop (PC or Mac), connect it to the church net work and EW will pick up all screen outputs of your laptop quite happliy as an NDI feed.
Have fun!
Apple TV is for Apple devices.
Mirracast is for Android Devices
Ezcast is for all devices.
Or vice versa, can't remember which way around they are
First you need an Ezicast Dongle plugged into your EW PC and the software installed. You might also need an HDMI capture card installed as these dongles usually plug into an HDMI port on a TV. These dongles are quite cheap on eBay. Check to see which one of the many on offer suits your needs. You can use a HDMI capture card - Blackmagic intensity Pro 4k or a cheaper USB3 capture device - some which are driverless. I have successfully captured video into EW using a variety of capture devices- all at various prices.
You also need the device - phone , tablet or laptop - to have the Ezcast software installed from the App store.
You can then pick up an iPhone, Android phone, iPad or other devices - including laptops as long as they all have the Ezcast software installed, via the EW feeds. They usually only have a short transmission distance - maybe about 5 meters but some dongles can be programmed to use the local wifi network which will increase that distance greatly.
I have it set up at my church but have only needed to use it once - a fair while ago - for an Android phone, but it does work.
These days, I use NDI for capturing a laptop into EW 7. I run the VMix desktop capture utility (free) on the laptop (PC or Mac), connect it to the church net work and EW will pick up all screen outputs of your laptop quite happliy as an NDI feed.
Have fun!
Try this:
x-mirage Air Server on PC to show iPad screen.
vMix Desktop capture for NDI (free download)
NDI feed into EW7
Not pretty, but it works. I can show my iPad screen through EW7. :D
x-mirage Air Server on PC to show iPad screen.
vMix Desktop capture for NDI (free download)
NDI feed into EW7
Not pretty, but it works. I can show my iPad screen through EW7. :D
There is an NDI solution it is called Newtek Connect Pro [url]https://www.newtek.com/connect/connect-pro/.
And it works quite well converting airplay to NDI then you can add it as a feed to EW.
Note that it is not free and a little on the expensive side so you will want to be using it regularly.
And it works quite well converting airplay to NDI then you can add it as a feed to EW.
Note that it is not free and a little on the expensive side so you will want to be using it regularly.
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