[v7 General Discussion] PowerPoint not loading
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We are having the same issue. Did you find an answer?
I'm also struggling with this. Any word? I can't load it to the schedule or the presentations tab. I've just upgraded to Windows 10 and EW7.
You will need to create tickets so that we can help you trouble shoot these issues.
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However we can load the PowerPoint into the presentations database and load it to the schedule from there. The reason we prefer not to use this route is that we have a weekly notices PowerPoint and need to remember to delete the old one before adding a new one - otherwise there is a danger of putting last weeks notices in the schedule!
We have also had a number of instances where a PowerPoint is happily rolling on the "Live" pane, the one where you can select which image to go live, but nothing is appearing on the output. Closing EW7 and reopening usually cures this.