Add current live slide to EW title bar

Currently our EW Windows title says "Easy Worship - <Registered Org>  - <Profile>"

We would like it to say "Easy Worship - <Registered Org>  - <Profile> - <Live Slide Name>"

BTW - We are using

The reason is that during the pandemic we are now using OBS and YouTube to broadcast the service and we need OBS to follow Easyworship.  Thus using the AdvancedSwitcher add-on in OBS we can map the current title of the EasyWorship windows to the scene we want in OBS; for example;

Window title: "EasyWorship - Beaconsfield URC - Master - _Blank-Screen" >> OBS Scene: Dais-Wide

Window title: "EasyWorship - Beaconsfield URC - Master - _Hymn MP234" >> OBS Scene: Singers

Window title: "EasyWorship - Beaconsfield URC - Master - _Scripture Isaiah" >> OBS Scene: Reader

Can explain more if required!

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