
Remote for Android phones in EasyWorship 7

  • How would you like the feature to work? This feature would be identical to the IOS remote only for Android devices. In the UK both manufacturers enjoy equal share of the market about 48% but after the recent publicity over Apple slowing down older phones that will likely change here.

  • Why is this feature important to you? This would allow us to benefit from the same features as those who have access to Apple devices.


32 people like this idea

The Android application is currently in Development.

We do not have an estimated release date for Android.

When we do have more information, we will inform you all.

4 people like this

Me too!

2 people like this
Android users need this.

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Android is used by many of our church members more then IOS so yes we have a need for Android.

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Definitively need an Android version, it's a much more affordable platform.

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I used to use an iPad but when it got older I replaced it with an Android. I liked it so much I went Android with my phone, too. It is so much easier to coordinate with other Windows platforms. I hope this is in the works soon.

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Just wanted to weigh in and ask for an Android version for Remote access this would be a great feature for us.

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That is good to hear. Hope it won't be too long as our tech desk and worship team are nearly all on andoid.

1 person likes this

A great idea for android users

1 person likes this
Me too.


Is there a timeline for an Android version? I use more Android devices than iOS devices.

Forgot to add.  I would like to be able to pause media from the app as well as look up songs and scriptures.

We are from Brazil and we also support this initiative.