song transitions and be sure to save

In the transitions sections, I would love to be able to have a separate button for transitions between the slides within a song and the transitions between the songs.  Sometimes I don't want an effect on the transition between the slides of the verses of a song, but I do want the slides to fade in and out when I change songs.  Right now, the effect has to be the same for both of these types of transitions.

I would also be nice if a warning box could pop up if you accidentally exit out of typing in a new song before saving, like happens when you exit out of easy worship when you try to close before saving. It is really easy to click the close X instead of the ok button and loose all of your work.


7 people like this idea

Yes, and I would like there to be transitions between songs, but not between scripture verses.

It's been 8 years and we still can't do things we could in the old version.

This is what we need!

In the previous EasyWorship, we used a blend/fade effect when transitioning from one song/image/media to another. Like at the end of one song moving to a new song. Then the text within the song would transition with no effect. Instantaneous. Now in EasyWorship I can't find a way to do one or the other. If I adjust the "slide transition" to none, it makes the transition between lyrics instant (which I want), but then the transition between media or songs is instant, which kind of seems like a harsh transition. If I set it to blend, the transition between songs/media has a nice blend/fade effect (which I want), but the lyrics within the songs have the same blend/fade that makes the lyrics muddy for a second or two which is not good for the congregation when singing.

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