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PowerPoint Opens Outside Of EasyWorship

Modified on: Mon, 23 Jan, 2023 at 12:31 PM


When going live to a PowerPoint in EasyWorship, the PowerPoint program opens outside of EasyWorship.


Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Close EasyWorship if it is open.
  2. Open a Windows File Explorer window by holding the Windows logo key and pressing the "E" key.
  3. Click the View tab at the top.
  4. Make sure the Preview pane option is not turned on.

  5. Click on Preview pane to turn it off.
  6. Open EasyWorship again and try to go live to the PowerPoint again.

Additionally, verify that the ezwHookpp.32.exe and ezwHookpp.64.exe have not been deleted by a virus scanner.

  1. Browse to C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Softouch\EasyWorship 7\
  2. Look for ezwHookpp.32.exe and ezwHookpp.64.exe.
  3. If they are missing, reinstall EasyWorship and set exceptions in your virus scanner to prevent it from deleting them. 

If this does not resolve your issue, please contact EasyWorship Support.

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