When will Easyworship be compadible for Mac os?

We have nothing but problems with windows. I own a Mac os and would like to be able to put Easy Worship on it. My other Mac lasted for 14 years. We have a new one. And really tired of fighting with windows all the time. We don't want to leave Easy Worship. But for many years now you have been saying you are making a program to go on Mac. Are you close and how long do you think it will be. Sorry for asking, don't like putting anything like this on you. We really do thank you for your program, and wish you the deepest of the New Year. But Windows are just the worst to work work with in so many ways.

The mac version is in full development but there is not a release date yet. I am not a developer so I don't know how far along they are with it. 

I don't want to downplay your experiences with Windows or prevent you from wanting to switch to a Mac, but what kind of problems are you having? I have not really had any issues with Windows that would cause me to want to change to a different OS. Again, not trying to downlplay the problems you're having, just curious as to what is going on? Just want to be able to help if possible.

Realistically, the thread on a Mac version goes back over seven years.  At that time I was told that a Mac version would be forthcoming, and alas, nothing happening.  Dan Willard posted three months ago that the mac version is in "full development."  This long delay has made me more and more skeptical about the Windows version of the software.  It too has problems, but I continue to use it when I have to. I wish there was integrity in the company. If a Mac version isn't really coming, just tell us.

I've been asking for over seven years for a Mac version, only to get a response much like the above "In full development."  Unfortunately the integrity of the team is in question. I use Easy Worship only when I have to.  If you are not going to put out a Mac version, that's OK, just be open and tell people who really want to know.

Kenneth, I'm sorry you feel you have to question our integrity. You are fully entitled to your opinion, but there is a Mac version in full development. There have been many changes and restarts to this process that have delayed it time and time again. And the main focus of the developers has been the current released PC version. 

I understand your frustration on it taking so long, but posting negative comments and insinuating that we're lying is not helpful to anyone.

Hi Dan. Is there any new updates on the Mac version of Easy Worship?

Unfortunately we are still trying to get the initial bugs from the alpha fixed so that it's ready for public beta. We are testing internally but don't have an update on beta release yet. This will be one of the first places we will announce its release when we do though.

Four months ago I called into question the integrity of the Easy Worship team. That was an unfortunate use of words, and I regret it and am sorry. It was spoken out of a frustration that was noted in the message.  As stated, even though I am anxiously awaiting a Mac version, I will, on rare occasions that I use it, continue with the present version in Windows. I've been with Easy Worship from way back toward the beginning. Thank you for your understanding.

Kenneth, Thanks for your apology. All is and has been forgiven and we move forward. We are excited to be getting near the end of this very long process, and hope it comes sooner than later. : )

Our church is considering switching to Mac's. We have been using easy worship for well over a decade. We would like to continue but, if a Mac version is not coming and/or if when can't be stated, we will have to find presentation software elsewhere. Any new updates on macOS?

Hi new question. I know you are working hard to get the program to work on Mac computers. which I know this can't be easy when you have to keep up with the one for Windows. I had someone ask me if we put in the Windows program Parallels in Mac, would Easy Worship work on a Mac computer? I am not sure if you know anything about the program. And honestly neither do I. I am not a knowledgable person on these things, And I do not want to put a program in that will cause problems.. Not sure if you can help. I thought it would not hurt to ask. Thank you again for getting back to me last time. I can imagine you get a lot of emails, but you took the time to getting back to me. God Bless

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