Can't download media

Having trouble downloading premium media, when I click download nothing appears. I've tried restarting my computer, the program and logging in and out and still can't download anything.

2 people have this question

Are you trying to download from within EW under the Media tab or from Store or Web buttons on the toolbar, or are you on our website in a web browser like Edge or Chrome?

I have this problem as well.
I am trying to download items from Premium off of the website. I have verified my email address and payment information, restarted my computer and still nothing is available. I click the download button and nothing happens.
I've had this program for 3 weeks!
3 Weeks ago, I could download without issue. WHAT CHANGED? 

Riveroflifeeventspage, We did update the premium media page recently. Are you trying to download in the software under Media tab>Premium Media or are you going to your web browser and trying to download from the EasyWorship website?

If you're in the software, under Premium Media, you can double click an item to view it and download it. If you're on the website, it should have a link under the thumbnail that says Download. When you click that, it should bring up a save window or download to your default folder that's set up in you browser.

It's possible you were trying to download while the site was being updated. Please try again and see if you still have issues

i have this problem too. I already tried a lot of possible options. from directly to the app media to website media. Nothing happens.

Balingasa I would suggest creating a support ticket and then we can set up a time to remote into the machine and take a look at this issue with you. 

I am having this problem as well.  I click "download" and it highlights the word...but nothing happens.  I have never had this problem before.  Perhaps the recent update has a bug in it.

I'm having the same problem since yesterday. I have been trying to download premium media from the website and tried to click the download media button, but nothing comes out like usual. I've been on the subscription for a year and nothing like this ever happened before. 

Try double clicking the download button. 

The issue with downloading premium media from our website has been fixed. Please refresh your browser and try again. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

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