Transfering song lyrics from Easy Worship 2007 to Easy Worship 7.4?

 We are using Easy Worship 2007 on an old computer. Getting a new computer and going to upgrade to Easy Worship 7.4.

How do I transfer the song lyrics that we use all of time?

This will help you to transfer data from the old PC to the new PC

Hi Rptpot,

first of all back up your EW2007 database just in case anything goes wrong. There were different versions of 2007 if my mind serves me well and backing up the database was a common occurrence. It's also useful to backup folder C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Softouch and C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Softouch. The locations are depending on your OS which I assume is Win7 as EW2007 won't work on 10 or later. These folders contain your backgrounds and the database contents and also if you have altered the spell checker e.g. used a different language etc. They are useful to keep, I still find that sometimes a background image or video just disappears and I have to restore it from these backups.

It's a long time since EW2007 was around and it has gone through many changes to become 7.4. Most folks were still using Win XP when it came out.

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