No Audio for Video in EW latest version Beta
3 CommentsSorted by Newest First
You mention that this is happening in the beta. Does the audio still work in your current version?
Yes, sir. I checked the volume controls on the live video. I am not sure how to check the volume control for the EW app in windows but will check when I make it back.
Yes, the videos have sound if I play them outside EW.
Thank you for the response!
Have you checked all the volume controls to make sure nothing is muted? There is a volume control in the Live window when you go live to a video. Also check to make sure EasyWorship app isn't muted in windows.
Do your videos have sound when you play them outside of EW on the same computer?
Jeremy T Noel
The audio for all videos will not play in EW. Anyone know of a solution?
Here is one with with codek help text.
FFmpegPlayer - 1/24/2023 3:23:25 PM
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Softouch\Easyworship\Default_1\Resources\Videos\GK Movie Draft.mp4
Rotation: 0
Dims: 1280 x 720
Duration: 3:54
Video Streams: 1
Audio Streams: 1
Subpicture Streams: 0
Video Stream Info
Index: 1
CodecName: h264 (H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10)
Dims: 1280 x 720
Duration: 3:54
Audio Stream Info
Index: 0
CodecName: aac (AAC (Advanced Audio Coding))
Duration: 3:54
DirectSound Audio
Shrink Filter - Enabled