PowerPoint not showing on rear screen

We have had the problem for some time now that PowerPoint will not display on the rear (foldback) screen intermittently.

Experimenting with it I have found that the PowerPoint works if I click on a song immediately before clicking on the PowerPoint.

We have tried Office 365 and Office 2016 and we are using EasyWorship 6. I also tried the trial version of 7 and had the same issue.

Our two projectors are setup as monitors through the same graphics card (NVIDIA)

I have Microsoft 365 Apps for business (16.015330.20230) and I do NOT have any other version installed

In Windows go to Control Panel. In Control Panel click on Uninstall a program. In the list or programs that are installed look for Microsoft Office and let me know which version you have installed. Also make sure that you do not have multiple versions of Microsoft Office  installed. If you do you will need to un-installed the one that you are not using and then reboot the computer. Then when you boot back up run a repair on the Microsoft Office  under the control panel in Windows.
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