Slide Transitions Lagging

Our church got a new laptop that came with Windows 11. I got everything up and running, but the slide transitions are really lagging. Any ideas? Thank you. 

1 person has this question

It probably doesn't meet the graphics requirements to handle EW. Can you provide the full system specs, especially the graphics card in it? I'm guessing that it only has integrated Intel graphics which is capable of running EW properly. If it does have discrete Nvidia graphics they might not be kicking in like they should. One of Easy Worship's Support People posted instructions on how to force EW to use the Nividia graphics on laptops but I failed to save that information and can't find that post at the moment. Hopefully EW support will post that information again.

AMD Radeon graphics is what I'm seeing in specs. I'm away from church and just looking at the order of the computer. 

Would you recommend I call EW support when I'm near the machine?

Thank you!

They will more than likely tell you that AMD graphics aren't supported, which is technically accurate. But depending on which AMD graphics you have it could be more than capable of running EW properly. I know this first hand as our Church used AMD graphics exclusively until a couple of years ago with absolutely no issues and I still have AMD graphics on my home computer that runs EW just as well, if not better than equivalent Nvidia graphics that exceed the hardware requirements. 

That said, I would post more specifics about the laptop in question here as well as call EW Support when you are around the computer.

Okay. I guess I should have gotten advice before ordering the new laptop! We're locked in at this point, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Some people are saying it's the latest upgrade to 7 that's causing problems, and suggesting to revert to the previous version. Have you heard of this? Thanks!

I'm one of the one's who has been mentioning this since the 7.2.x.x and later builds were released. Build is the last build that uses the old rendering system. Every build after that switched to the new rendering system that is based on GPU (graphics) usage instead of CPU usage. If you don't need any of the features of the latest builds would be a great option. The biggest drawback to that is you won't be able to play YouTube videos via EW due to the older release needing to use Internet Explorer which is no longer supported. Song Select will usually work though. Unfortunately the fix for the unsupported browser will be EW 7.4 which used the newer, graphics based rendering engine.

Easy Worship Hardware Requirements

Download Links for EW7  -  The link to is a couple inches down the page.

Thank you for all the information. Much appreciated!

My pleasure

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