ATEM Mini Pro and EasyWorship 7.3.11
PPT would be different. EW will display PPT on all outputs.
Alternate output will not display foreground elements on slides unless they are part of the default alt out theme. An exception to this is if you create a media slide in your presentation. If there isn't any text on any of the slides, you can edit the presentation and click on the media button on the toolbar and drag and drop the media you want to the left under Words or Slides tabs to create its own media slide. Doing this will display this image or video on both the main and alt outputs.
Thanks Dan, Yes we have tried checking or unchecking the Pre Multiplied Key in the ATEM software under the Luma tab under Upstream Key, but it doesn't take all the video breakthrough away. I have opened a ticket for this issue.
Another issue, we have a startup Presentation that uses 5 slides the first one has 3 lines of text (The service details and date) over video for 2.5 minutes and the next 4 are each 30 seconds long video displaying what is on on during the week. None of these 4 have text. It works perfectly on main monitor but can't figure out how to get them on to the alternate output using Presentation Themes. We haven't even got round to displaying PowerPoints yet which I'm assuming would be similar.
Hi David, I would recommend starting a ticket with support on this issue. A remote session might be good to do with support so they can see your setup and exactly how it's being used.
As far as the video showing through when full screen with scripture, have you tried checking or unchecking the Pre Multiplied Key in the ATEM software under the Luma tab under Upstream Key?
Hi Guys, we are still having problems trying to get the alternate output to work using 7.3.11 with the ATEM Mini Pro. That's why I suggested a video like the previous one that you did for 7.2. The settings using Fill and Key don't work correctly with 7.3, we are experiencing video breakthrough and unable to show Presentations or PowerPoints through alternate output in EW, Themes doesn't change back from song Theme to no theme for Presentations.
We have two cameras in HDMI 1 and 2, and Fill and Key in 3 and 4. We have tried many settings with alternate output but nothing is completely successful. We either get song words on bottom 4 lines or full screen text for scripture but never both during a single schedule. We are also experiencing camera 2 video showing through when Full Screen Scripture is displayed from theme with alternate output. Will send our hardware configuration once I can put it together.
Thanks David
Granpaw Broon
Hi Guys, Dan did a video on using the ATEM mini pro with EasyWorship 7 a few months back using Fill and Key inputs to overlay text on video. But now that 7.3.11 is out this changes how you can use text over video using alternate output with themes without the need to use Fill and Key thus freeing up an HDMI input.
We presently use two cameras, an input to display a picture in picture for song words and an input to display the scripture in full scene during the Bible reading during Live Streaming of our services. But now find with 7.3.11 you can now use themes on alternate output for both song words (bottom third) and scripture reading thus freeing up an input for a 3rd camera. We also have a separate Graphics card with output for foldback which gives us a total of 5 outputs.
It would be good if you could possibly produce another video explaining how this works with the new 7.3.11 update.