Getting Access violation at address 00409084 in module 'EasyWorship.exe'. read of address 00000000E.
Anyone have a fix for this?
Found the problem. Malwarebytes was blocking 'C\Program Files (x86)/Softouch/EasyWorship 7\FFmpeg4\avfilter=7.dll
Added that file'avfilter=7.dll to the Allow List and everything is working.
Stephen Van Vickle
Getting Access violation at address 00409084 in module 'EasyWorship.exe'. read of address 00000000E.
Anyone have a fix for this?
Found the problem. Malwarebytes was blocking 'C\Program Files (x86)/Softouch/EasyWorship 7\FFmpeg4\avfilter=7.dll
Added that file'avfilter=7.dll to the Allow List and everything is working.
Stephen Van Vickle
Found the problem. Malwarebytes was blocking 'C\Program Files (x86)/Softouch/EasyWorship 7\FFmpeg4\avfilter=7.dll
Added that file'avfilter=7.dll to the Allow List and everything is working.
Cancellation of monthly subscription
General questions about EasyWorship 7
WMV file not playing sound after the Easy Worship 7 upgrade
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