EW 7 freezes up

When we are running EW7 in the worship service, it will lock up and we have to go to the task bar and close it and reopen it.  Any solutions??

1 Comment

What BUILD of EW? That can be found under Help - About.

What version of Windows?

What are your hardware specs IN DETAIL. Saying i5 tells us nothing useful as there are at least 11 different generations as well as a couple of sub gens with performance that varies considerably. You need to be as specific as possible such as i5-6600. Also are you using a spinning hard disk or an SSD? And specifically what video card? This can make a HUGE impact on things.

What are you doing when it locks up? Remember we aren't there looking over your shoulder when this happens so you have to be our eyes and ears to figure this out.

If you don't know the hardware or software specs please do the following:

Click on the Windows icon (Start menu) at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen,

Type in "DXDIAG" and click on 'DXDIAG.exe' or 'DXDIAG run command',

Click Yes when a yes/no question appears,

Click on Save All Information.. at the bottom-right of the DXDIAG window,

Save the information under and obvious name such as "dxdiagoutput",

Attach the saved file here

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