Before I buy

Good morning Sir/Ma'am My church has decided to purchase EasyWorship7 and we'd like to know if the Translations/Versions we commonly use are among the ones EasyWorship7 comes with on yearly subscription. So we will know the amount of money to budget for it. KJV NKJV MESSAGE TRANSLATION NLT NIV TLB AMP/C TPT I'd appreciate a swift response as I have to give them feedback ASAP Regards.

The program comes with the KJV, ASV, HCSB and the RVA.  

The Message, NIV, TLB, AMP/C and TPT are bibles that we have to pay copyright royalties on so those bibles would have to be purchased. They are $29 USD each. 

See the link below to find out what versions are included, Free, and cost extra. I know that the KJV is included with the base install. NKJV, NIV, AMP, and NLT are all extras that run $29 US each. Not sure about the rest.

They have a list of the BIBLES that are available at the linked page below. Some of them are Free and some require an additional payment.

I know that King James is included with the base install. NKJV, AMP, NLT, and NIV is $29 US. I'm not sure about the others.

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