I can't Login/Register
What version of Windows are you running?
Hi. The same situation was, the same decided.gog
I am not sure what you are asking Joanne.
House of Faith Covenant Assembly, that's because you haven't purchased a license under that account. If you have purchased a license, you need to log in to the account that you purchased the license under. If you haven't purchased a license, you won't be able to register it without the license. You can purchase a license on our website.
i have just subscribe and i can not log in
Due to privacy and security concerns you should either call EW by telephone or go to the support page (link below) and open a Support Ticket.
Samuel, what version of EW are you running? And, what version of windows are you running?
I can't log in on our computer at church, I've tried resetting the password and I'm not receiving the link to do so
Mike, it would be best to contact our orders department and they can help you get logged in.
I tried contacting them, Its been a week and I'm still waiting on a reply
Isei Vuluma
Hi there,
I recently just purchased easy worship7 but I cannot seem to login even though I have already registered.

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