[v7 General Discussion] Audit songs for copyright

Is there a way to audit my database of songs for those that don't have a copyright noted on the lyrics?

I know that several of our songs were written by a music leader, and don't have a copyright notice and I want to find out if there are any more that were perhaps manually entered into the database without the required copyright notice being included at some point.

We have had several different music leaders over the past couple of years and I don't think there was a consistency in how they added songs in the past.

I know I can print a list of song titles and author but is there any way that the copyright notice for every song is a separate field in that report?

1 Comment

I haven't tried this so I can't verify that it works, but a member of the EW Facebook Group posted this.

Joe Loizzo

I found a workaround. I needed to audit my songs to determine if all had copyright credits.

Go to the songlist and click on the header Copyright. That list gets sorted into those with and without copyright info. Then since they are highlighted i dragged and dropped the highlighted ones into a schedule and saved it. Now you print a summary report of that schedule and you have a list of all your songs without copyrights that you can correct. Or you can save that into another file and work on the data there.

The Facebook (which is official and run by EW) is a lot more active than the forums unfortunately. Feel free to join.
