[v7 General Discussion] There was a general error when trying to obtain a lock on the database

I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction.

I run Easyworship under Parallels on my Mac. Up till today all has been well and everything has worked as expected.

Today I fired up Easyworship 5 mins before a livestream to be confronted with this error:

"there was a general error when trying to obtain a lock on the database"

I managed to do the livestream from another laptop which wasn't very good because it is underpowered but the immediate problem was resolved.

But I can't find a way round this error.

The only two things I've done today on my Mac are to reboot it and I was then asked to update Parallels which I did.

I've checked this forum and have ensured that EasyWorship is allowed on the Windows Firewall (it was already allowed).

Any hints as to what might cause this issue?
1 Comment

I am sorry but we do not support running EasyWorship on parallels. You can install Apple Boot camp and then install Windows on the bootcamp partition.