[v7 General Discussion] Activation By Command
1 Comment
Is this a feature request?
You can invite each staff member to the account so they can log in with their own credentials.
You can invite each staff member to the account so they can log in with their own credentials.
Forums Migration
If you copy C:\ProgramData\Softouch from one computer to another you'll get the list of profiles, but the first user will still be asked to activate the software as the license doesn't support being copied.
Is it possible to activate EasyWorship by a command?
Something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Softouch\Easyworship 7\Easyworship.exe" activate username=blah password=blah
It's not a big issue, but would just save me from having to manually login and activate after installation on all our staff computers.
For reference the installation script we're using is:
REM Install EasyWorship
start /wait "" "EasyWorship-" /verysilent / norestart
REM Delete desktop icon
DEL "%userprofile%\Desktop\EasyWorship 7.lnk" /S
REM Add Windows Firewall rule
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="EasyWorship" profile=domain,private protocol=any enable=yes action=allow dir=in program="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Softouch\Easyworship 7\Easyworship.exe"
REM Copy master folder with profiles list to this PCs Program Data
xcopy "installationfiles\Softouch" "%PROGRAMDATA%\Softouch" /c /e /y /R /I
icacls "%PROGRAMDATA%\Softouch" /t /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)F