O LE TUSI PA'IA - Ekalesia Katoliko Roma RSCB - Samoan

Samoan Bible for EasyWorship!

2 people like this idea

Hi, I need the name of the publisher and some contact information to progress this request forward. 

1 person likes this
Need a Samoan bible included in the software. Very hard to type it in there every sermon. Please help.

I second this request. I am wanting to download the New software for our Church but I cannot find the Samoan Version as it is on other Bible Apps. It would be an amazing benefit to have.

I third this humble request. Name your price ill spread the word. Most of our Samoan Worship Centre, AOG, Pentecostals, Evangelicals have easyworship in our Services. Help us if you can. If not well have to look elsewhere.

OMG This will be the biggest help ever. Typing this every weekend for the sermons is a task that can easily be solved this way. Thank you

Please contact the Bible Society of The South Pacific for the Samoan Bible to be added into the software.



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