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What Is Your Refund Policy?

Modified on: Fri, 30 Dec, 2022 at 12:30 PM

Cancellation Policy for Monthly Subscriptions


You may cancel your subscription at any time. Cancelling your subscription will stop any auto-renewal payments and you will continue to have access to EasyWorship until the end of the active billing month. Monthly subscription purchases are not eligible for a refund.

Cancellation Policy for Annual, Billed Monthly Subscriptions

Basic Subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Annual, billed monthly subscription purchases are eligible to stop monthly payments only during the first 90 days of the subscription. Cancelling your subscription after the 90 days will stop the auto-renewal of your annual commitment, but you will be billed the remaining monthly payments due to fulfill your annual commitment. You will continue to have access to EasyWorship until the end of the annual renewal billing date. Annual, billed monthly subscription purchases are not eligible for a refund.

Premium Subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Annual, billed monthly subscription purchases are eligible to stop monthly payments only during the first 90 days of the subscription, and with the condition that you have not downloaded any of the media from the Premium library. Cancelling your subscription after the 90 days will stop the auto-renewal of your annual commitment, but you will be billed the remaining monthly payments due to fulfill your annual commitment. You will continue to have access to EasyWorship and the Premium media library until the end of the annual renewal billing date. Annual, billed monthly subscription purchases are not eligible for a refund.

Cancellation Policy for Annual Subscriptions

Basic Subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Annual subscription purchases are eligible to receive a prorated refund only during the first 90 days of the subscription. Cancelling your subscription after 90 days will stop any auto-renewal payments and no refund will be given, but you will continue to have access to EasyWorship until the end of the annual renewal billing date. 

Premium Subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Annual subscription purchases are eligible to receive a prorated refund only during the first 90 days of the subscription, and with the condition that you have not downloaded any of the media from the Premium library. Cancelling your subscription after 90 days will stop any auto-renewal payments and no refund will be given, but you will continue to have access to EasyWorship and the Premium media library until the end of the annual renewal billing date. 

Media Refunds

We do not offer refunds for digital downloads once they have been successfully purchased and downloaded. If you purchased the media and were not able to successfully download it, you can request permission to download the media again at a designated web location. To request permission to re-download purchased media, please call +1 918-250-1493. If, after attempting to download the media again, you still cannot download the purchased media, we will provide a full refund.

Bible Plug-in Refunds

We do not offer refunds for digital downloads once they have been successfully purchased and downloaded. If a bible plug-in was purchased in error (i.e. wrong translation), please contact support within 90 days to ask for a refund. If you purchased the bible plug-in and were not able to successfully download it or install it on EasyWorship, please call tech support at +1 918-250-1493 or email us at [email protected].

To request a refund, please call +1 918-250-1493.

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