Transfer EasyWorship Profile
Modified on: Fri, 17 Sep, 2021 at 1:05 PM
When upgrading or changing computers, it's helpful to be able to transfer your existing database to the new computer. The EasyWorship Profile Transfer Tool was designed to make this process easy. Most customers use a flash drive (memory stick/USB drive) to transfer their database, but you can use a network server or cloud drive like Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive to transfer the database files.
Downloading the Profile Transfer Tool
Follow the steps below to download the Profile Transfer Tool and transfer your profile from one computer to another:
- Make sure the EasyWorship program is closed.
- Connect the flash drive to the computer you are backing up from.
- Download the Profile Transfer Tool.
If the download doesn't begin, click here.
- Drag and drop the EasyWorshipProfileTransfer.exe file from your download folder to the backup drive.
NOTE: Do not run the transfer tool from the Downloads folder on your computer. Make sure to transfer it over to the backup drive first, and then run the transfer tool. This ensures the Profile Export folder that will be created will be on your backup drive.
Backing Up Profiles
- Make sure the EasyWorship program is closed.
- Browse to the drive you are backing up to and double-click the EasyWorshipProfileTransfer.exe.
- Click Export profiles from EasyWorship and click Next.
- Pick the profile you want to export to the backup drive and click Next. You can export v2007 - v7 databases and click Next.
- Browse to the location you want to back up to. Resources can be included by leaving the check box checked. Click Next.
- Click Export, then Close when the export is complete.
Restoring Profiles
- Make sure the EasyWorship program is closed.
- Connect the flash drive to the computer you are transferring to.
- Browse to the backup drive and double click the file named EasyWorshipProfileTransfer.exe.
- Click Import profiles into EasyWorship.
- Browse to the location you are restoring from and click Next.
- Select the profile you want to restore and click Next.
- Browse to the location you want to restore to. If you are not using the default location already provided, you may choose to restore songs only without resources by unchecking the Include resources checkbox, then click Next.
- Select the type of restore you will be doing, based on the version of EasyWorship that is installed, then click Next.
- Click Import and Close when the import is finished.
- Congratulations the profile has been imported and will be available in EasyWorship when you open it.
NOTE: If transferring the database from EasyWorship 2007 or EasyWorship 2009 into EasyWorship 7, you may have additional steps to follow to get the database to convert. Follow these steps below:
- Open EasyWorship 7.
- When you get the Import Data pop-up that asks, Would you like to import your EasyWorship 2009 data and options into this version of EasyWorship, click Import Data.
- Then in the Profile Editor window, click Switch To.
- Then when the Import Data window comes back up, click Create Empty.
- Now all of your database should be imported into EasyWorship 7.
If you need further assistance, please contact EasyWorship Support.