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Purchasing & Installing Bibles

Modified on: Wed, 25 Nov, 2020 at 11:00 AM

Here is a link to the training video that shows how to purchase and install Bibles into EasyWorship:
Purchasing & Installing Bibles

EasyWorship has many free Bibles available. There are also many copyrighted Bibles available for purchase as add-ons.         

Follow these steps to purchase and install Bibles into EasyWorship:

  1. Open EasyWorship.
  2. Click on the Scriptures tab in the Resource Area.
  3. At the bottom of the Scriptures list on the left (list of currently installed Bible versions), click the link for More Available…
  4. In the list of available Bible versions on the right you, can see a full list of free and purchasable Bible versions. If the Bible you want to install is free, click the Free button next to it to install.
  5. If a Bible you want to add is not free, click the Buy button on the right. In the new window, log in to your EasyWorship account using your email and password. If you do not have an account, click on Create New User and enter in the appropriate information to create an account.
  6. Once you are logged in, make sure you’re connected to the correct Organization and click Buy.
  7. A window will open to complete your purchase. Enter in your payment information and click Place Order. When the order is complete, EasyWorship will automatically download and install the Bible.  (If the Bible doesn't download automatically, find the Bible you purchased and you will see a Download button next to it.  Click Download to install it.)
  8. If you purchased a Bible on, the Bible will show as installed when you’re logged into EasyWorship with your account.  If the Bible doesn't show under Scriptures, click More Available and click Download next to the Bible you purchased.

If you need further assistance, please contact EasyWorship Support.

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