Pustaka Si Badia (BTX)

Official Name: Pustaka Si Badia

Official Abbreviation: BTX

Publisher Name: Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (Indonesian Bible Society)

Publisher Website:http://www.alkitab.or.id/

Can you please add this Karonese language bible from Indonesia? It would help boost our church's worship activity.

Karo is part of the North Sumatra province in Indonesia. The first Christian evangelism was conducted among the Karo people around 1890 by the Netherlands Missionary Society. Today, most of the Karo people are Christian.

I have seen our bible in other platforms, but it would be nice if we could access it directly from Easyworship. Please greatly consider this request. Thank you, God bless.

1 Comment

 yeah, i'm waiting fot Pustaka Si Badia too.
btw about "I have seen our bible in other platforms", can u mention that, because we need that.

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