Request for Legacy Standard Bible to be included in EW Bible downloads

New Hope Baptist Church is requesting the Legacy Standard Bible be included in the EW Bible purchase list.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Tom Blake

4 people like this idea

we need it....

Please provide the publisher information for this Bible.

Please send any information you have regarding this bible’s publisher to [email protected]. Bible request submissions must include: Official Name: Statenvertaling. Official Abbreviation: Publisher Name: Publisher Website:

Thank you. I will add this information.

Would be extremely helpful to have the LSB bible in EW.

The LSB bible has been document for consideration for addition to EasyWorship. In the meantime, please be sure to review all of the information about how a new bible gets processed for inclusion with EasyWorship here: PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A REQUEST - Bible Development Pipeline Explained : EasyWorship

What is the status of adding the LSB as an option for use in Easy Worship?? Thanks.

For consideration of a translation into EasyWorship, we first moderate the bible to gauge the overall interest from our community. Once we have gathered the required level of community interest, we initiate the bible procurement process by reaching out to the publisher and providing an update on the forum. If you haven't already, I recommend that you make a request of your own in this request forum. Another way to let us know your interest is to Like requests made by others in the forum. LSB is being tracked and I will add your interest to that list.

Grace Bible Fellowship would greatly appreciate having the LSB on easy worship

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