[Announcements] EasyWorship 7.1.3 Update Release
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This update required a reboot? Don't recall any EW installs ever requiring that.
Even so, I chose to do it later and it still tried to force a restart. Not sure if that is a problem or just happened to me.
Even so, I chose to do it later and it still tried to force a restart. Not sure if that is a problem or just happened to me.
This is due to the prerequisite that is installed to support NDI HDX. Restart is not required if you are not using this technology. It asks sometimes and sometimes doesn't.
I have problem with this update.
I insert PowerPoint files to EasyWorship schedule.
I also open another PowerPoint in the background.
After I "Go Live" the PowerPoint in EasyWorship and turn off the "Live" button it, I cannot use my PowerPoint to show the presentation.
Instead, it shows in my primary desktop.
To make it right, I have to change the active song to one of the song in EasyWorship database and restart the PowerPoint.
And also the PowerPoint's presenter view always turn off after I use EasyWorship.
Btw, I use Powerpoint 2016 (build 1812).
What should I do?
Thanks in advance.
I have problem with this update.
I insert PowerPoint files to EasyWorship schedule.
I also open another PowerPoint in the background.
After I "Go Live" the PowerPoint in EasyWorship and turn off the "Live" button it, I cannot use my PowerPoint to show the presentation.
Instead, it shows in my primary desktop.
To make it right, I have to change the active song to one of the song in EasyWorship database and restart the PowerPoint.
And also the PowerPoint's presenter view always turn off after I use EasyWorship.
Btw, I use Powerpoint 2016 (build 1812).
What should I do?
Thanks in advance.
This is probably not an optimal use of PowerPoint and EasyWorship. PowerPoint does have a limitation in that it cannot present two slideshows at one time. If you are displaying a slideshow in EasyWorship and then try to display one in PowerPoint you are telling PowerPoint to do something it cannot do. What is the purpose of having PowerPoint open and presenting outside of EasyWorship while sending a PowerPoint life from EasyWorship?
We are having the same issue as mentioned above with PowerPoint 2016. We usually run our "advertisement" PowerPoint file in Easy Worship (since we can edit the schedule and do other things without the presentation being interrupted) and then our Pastor's PowerPoint in the actual PowerPoint application. Why, cause our Pastor uses the "presenter view" since all his notes are in it. All we had to do previously was select "use presenter view" prior to presenting the show cause Easy Worship would always deselect that. Now with the update, the actual PowerPoint application will not present the slideshow unless Easy Worship is closed and PowerPoint is restarted. I understand this may not be a normal or advised use of PowerPoint and Easy Worship at the same time, but please fix cause it use to work fine. My work around for now is not importing any PowerPoint files into Easy Worship. Now we must run all our PowerPoint shows from PowerPoint and none from Easy Worship. Doable but a hassle.
I'll do some testing and see if our developers can fix this or if it's something has changed in PowerPoint that we cannot override. This really isn't typical use for PowerPoint in EasyWorship. As I said before, PowerPoint is limited in what it can do, so if you try to start two slideshows, you will probably cause it to crash or lock up.
FYI, I stopped using PowerPoint at my church a couple years ago. Keeping everything in EasyWorship has removed a lot of hassle.
This video will show you how to do everything in EasyWorship.
FYI, I stopped using PowerPoint at my church a couple years ago. Keeping everything in EasyWorship has removed a lot of hassle.
This video will show you how to do everything in EasyWorship.
I tested back to and found that it would indeed display the PowerPoint slideshow on the output screen, however, when you end the slideshow, it also wants you to end the slideshow that EasyWorship is currently running. Doing this will cause EasyWorship to lock up. You are correct that it did work, but it will cause trouble in the long run. I'll pass this along to the developers. Thanks for pointing this out.
Thanks Rodger, I hope this can be an easy fix for you guys.
I know you suggest using Easy Worship for all the presentation needs, but there is no way I am going to get our Pastors to learn or create presentations in something other than PowerPoint. Many many reasons, not going to get into that. Nevertheless, still love Easy Worship for lyrics, verses, video, etc. needs.
I am holding off on the update on our other computers and I believe I backed up our database prior to update so I will be reverting to an older version as it worked fine.
Thank you again, I will be following to hopefully see an update.
God Bless.
I know you suggest using Easy Worship for all the presentation needs, but there is no way I am going to get our Pastors to learn or create presentations in something other than PowerPoint. Many many reasons, not going to get into that. Nevertheless, still love Easy Worship for lyrics, verses, video, etc. needs.
I am holding off on the update on our other computers and I believe I backed up our database prior to update so I will be reverting to an older version as it worked fine.
Thank you again, I will be following to hopefully see an update.
God Bless.
Rodger, yes, I totally understand the not running two PowerPoint slideshows at the same time.
We usually would just end the music time of our service on a song in Easy Worship. Black-out Easy Worship, then run the PowerPoint application with no issue.
We only need the ability to run one or the other (with Easy Worship not currently on a PPT item).
Thanks again.
We usually would just end the music time of our service on a song in Easy Worship. Black-out Easy Worship, then run the PowerPoint application with no issue.
We only need the ability to run one or the other (with Easy Worship not currently on a PPT item).
Thanks again.
Definitely will have them take a look. However, I do think part of the solution could be to not use PowerPoint for announcements. We started with the slideshow we did in PowerPoint then exported to jpg and loaded them into the schedule, using the combine option to make a presentation. Lately we've been creating that kind of stuff in canva then loading them into the schedule and combining. In my case I was the one that build the slideshow for the pastor too, so it was easy enough.
If you have the Announcement PPT setup as a Timed Slideshow, export it as a Video and play it that way. It will keep the timings, motions, and transitions intact and make it easier to play. You can play it in EW or using a separate Video Player like VLC, etc. The option to Export as a Video is in every currently supported version of PowerPoint.
It will be a larger file (probably 4 times the size of the PPT), but allows more flexibility in how you display it.
It will be a larger file (probably 4 times the size of the PPT), but allows more flexibility in how you display it.
Forums Migration
Hi Friends,
We are happy to announce that EasyWorship is here!
This update will be pushed out to customers through auto update at a later date. In order to get this update now, please use the download link below to download it and install it over the current version. Midi support will only be available to customers who are on subscription. If you are on a one time purchase license, you will not see Midi support as an option.
[b]https://f002.backblazeb2.com/file/ewSoftware/EasyWorship-]DOWNLOAD EASYWORSHIP[/b]
[b] Bug Fixes[/b]
[b] Bug Fixes:[/b]
[b][i]Available To All EasyWorship 7 Customers[/b][/i]
[b][i]Available Through Subcription Only[/b][/i]
[b]7.0 -[/b]
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[b]Bug Fixes: Previous Builds[/b]
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