Chinese Union Version (Traditional Chinese)

I'd like to request a Traditional Chinese version of the Bible Plugin for the Chinese Union Version.  A Simplified Chinese version currently exists, but we'd like to have a Traditional Chinese version of it if possible.

Name of Bible: Chinese Union Version (和合本)

Abbreviation: CUV

Language: Chinese (Traditional)

Publisher Name: Hong Kong Bible Society

Copyright: Public Domain

Thanks in advance!

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1 Comment

Agreed. Appreciate that the 'CUVS' Chinese Union Bible (simplified) is already available for Easy worship, but 'CUVT' (the same bible with a more traditional script) is essential for Hong Kong and Taiwan-origin congregations. HK and Taiwan-origin congregations, of which there are many, have not been taught how to read 'simplified' script. For what it is worth, CUV is a 'free' bible anyway and has very widespread acceptance as a 'baseline' translation, if a little old. Rather like KJV/Authorised version, in more ways than one
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